March 1, 2023

Integrating Third-Party Solutions With Salesforce: A Step-By-Step Guide

Are you looking to add more functionality or features to your Salesforce account? Integrating third-party solutions can be a great way to do it, as long as you know how to do it correctly! In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of integrating third-party solutions with Salesforce, plus give you some tips and tricks along the way.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that enables companies to manage their sales, marketing, and customer service processes in one place. It offers a variety of features, including contact management, opportunity tracking, task management, and lead management. Additionally, Salesforce integrates with popular third-party applications such as Google Docs and Microsoft Outlook, making it easy to use with existing workflows.

What are some example integrations?

  • Salesforce Opportunities to NetSuite Invoices
  • ConnectWise Manage Opportunities to Salesforce Opportunities
  • Salesforce CPQ Quotes to Deltek / CostPoint Quotes
  • Homegrown SQL Database Work Orders to Salesforce Work Orders
  • Salesforce Opportunities to Infinicept Onboarding
  • Infinicept Underwriting to Salesforce Contracts
  • Inbound Emails from Syndicate Websites to Salesforce Leads
  • Salesforce Opportunities to QuickBooks Jobs and Invoices
  • Giving Fuel Donations to Salesforce Non-Profit Donation Opportunities
  • Pineapple Payment Processing to Salesforce Invoices
  • Salesforce RMA to UPS Shipping Label and Tracking

Why Integrate Third-Party Solutions With Salesforce?

Salesforce is the world’s leading CRM platform, and it’s no wonder that so many businesses are looking to integrate third-party solutions with Salesforce in order to streamline their operations. There are a number of advantages to integrating third-party solutions with Salesforce, including:

  • Increased Efficiency: When you integrate third-party solutions with Salesforce, you can automate tasks and processes that would otherwise be manual, saving you time and increasing your team’s efficiency.

  • Improved Accuracy: Automating tasks and processes eliminates the potential for human error, ensuring that data is entered correctly into Salesforce and that reports are generated accurately.

  • Greater Insights: By integrating third-party solutions with Salesforce, you can gain access to data and insights that you wouldn’t be able to get from Salesforce alone. This can help you make better decisions about your business.

  • Improved Customer Service: When you have all of your customer data in one place (Salesforce), and your customer service team has access to the same data, they can provide faster and better service.

The bottom line is that integrating third-party solutions with Salesforce provides a number of benefits that can help your business run more smoothly and efficiently. If you’re not already doing so, now is the time to evaluate which solutions would be a good fit for your business.

Step 1: Identify Your Needs

In order to integrate a third-party solution with Salesforce, you will first need to identify your needs. What capabilities are you hoping to gain by integrating a third-party solution? Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, you can begin evaluating potential solutions. Keep in mind that not all solutions are created equal, so it is important to do your research before making any decisions.

When evaluating possible solutions, there are a few key factors you should keep in mind:

  1. Ease of use: How easy is the solution to use? Will it require extensive training for your team?

  2. Integration: How well will the solution integrate with Salesforce? Is there an existing app or connector available?

  3. Cost: Is the solution affordable? Does it offer a free trial or lowest-cost option?

Once you have considered all of these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose the best solution for your needs.

Step 2: Research and Compare Solutions

Before you decide on a third-party solution to integrate with Salesforce, it's important to do your research and compare different options. This will help you choose a solution that fits your specific needs and budget.

To start your research, look for online reviews of different solutions and read what other users have to say about them. You can also contact the vendors directly to get more information and pricing quotes. Once you've narrowed down your options, create a list of pros and cons for each solution to help you make a final decision.

Step 3: Develop a Plan to Integrate the Solution Into Your Existing System

When you've decided on a third-party solution that you want to integrate with Salesforce, the next step is to develop a plan for how you will do so. This plan should take into account what data needs to be transferred between Salesforce and the third-party system, how often this transfer should occur, and what kind of syncing is necessary (e.g., one-way or two-way).

It's also important to consider how the integration will impact your users. Will they need to learn how to use a new interface? How will they access the data from the third-party system within Salesforce? Will the data be displayed in a standard Salesforce object, or will you need to create a custom object? All of these factors should be taken into account when developing your integration plan.

Once you have a plan in place, it's time to start configuring the connection between Salesforce and the third-party system. There are a few different ways to do this, which we'll discuss in more detail below.

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Step 4: Execute the Integration

Now that you have your data in order and your integration plan set, it’s time to execute the integration. Depending on the size and complexity of your Salesforce deployment, this could be a simple or involved process. Fortunately, there are a number of resources and tools available to help with this stage, including:

  • The Salesforce Developer Portal: The Developer Portal is a great resource for tips, tricks, and how-to articles on integration best practices.

  • The Migration Tool: The Migration Tool is a Java-based command line utility that lets you deploy metadata from one org to another. This is especially useful when migrating changes from a sandbox org to a production org.

  • AppExchange: AppExchange is Salesforce’s digital marketplace where you can find pre-built integrations and other apps to extend the functionality of your org.

  • Workbench: Workbench is an online tool that provides an easy way to work with Salesforce data and metadata in both sandboxes and production orgs.

Once you’ve chosen the right tools for the job, you can set up the proper user accounts and permissions. In order for data to flow between systems, the designated users will need accounts in both Salesforce and the third-party system (or systems) being integrated. 

Tips & Tricks For Integration Success

Once you’ve chosen the right tools for the job, you can set up the proper user accounts and permissions. In order for data to flow between systems, the designated users will need accounts in both Salesforce and the third-party system (or systems) being integrated. 

1. Define the scope of your integration.

Before you start integrating any third-party solution with Salesforce, it’s important to first evaluate and define the scope of your integration. What exactly do you want to achieve by integrating the two platforms? What data needs to be exchanged between them? By clarifying the goals and objectives of your integration upfront, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort down the road.

2. Choose the right method for data exchange.

There are various methods that can be used to exchange data between Salesforce and a third-party platform. The most common methods are via APIs or flat file imports/exports. But which one is right for your particular integration? It really depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you need real-time data synchronization, then an API would be the best option. But if you only need to exchange data periodically, then a flat file approach might be more suitable.

3. Use an experienced integrator.

While it’s possible to execute a Salesforce integration on your own, it’s often best to partner with an experienced integrator who has done this type of work before. They will know all the ins and outs of Salesforce’s APIs and how to best connect them with the third-party platform you’re using. This can save you a lot of time and headaches down the road.


Integrating third-party solutions with Salesforce can offer your organization countless opportunities to streamline your business process and save time and money. With this comprehensive step-by-step guide, you have all the tools needed to prepare for a successful integration project. By leveraging the right technology stack and partnering with a knowledgeable Salesforce partner, like Rithom, you can successfully leverage third-party applications within your existing Salesforce instance to drive long-term success for your business.

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